You make a difference :)

Today I thought it would be the scariest day of my life as I waited forever at the blood drive.  The only thing that kept me from leaving that line  was my faith in my savior,  my "I make a difference" sticker And the fact that today was the day I wanted to change people lives for the better.(Even if I had to do it through a needle!) I'm lucky that I can save at most a couple of people's lives with my blood. But I can do much more than than help a couple people, I can help a community, the whole planet, or even the whole universe! (But that would need a TARDIS which I don't have money for in my bank account right now.) 😭

 Im gonna compare my blood donation to missionary work. Missionaries spend 18-24 months out on a mission to teach the gospel. They do it voluntarily and it can be very hard at times to get investigators! However, missionaries possibly are my favorite people because they never give up. They also learn to come super close to the Lord... Something I want to do someday! Just reading all the missionary letters from all my recently graduated friends makes me so estactic! But you know what!? You don't have to be a full time travel the world missionary to help make a difference in the world! Nope! In fact, you already are a life changer, etc!

If you talked to at least one person today, you are a missionary,
If you have smiled your cheesiest smile to someone who looked super down,  you are a missionary,
If you took your time just to make someone's day while they were nervously shoving Oreo cookies into their mouth before they donated a pint of blood, you are a missionary (s/o to the girl who helped me stay calm today. ❤️❤️❤️)
If you did any act of service big or small, you are a missionary.

There are so many simple and less painful ways to make a difference in someone's life that sometimes you don't even notice! Have that light that glows so much no one will be afraid to be around you! Every single one of us is going through our own battles with the devil below, and it's terrifying.

But of course, it is hard to stay strong sometimes... So if you ever need a shoulder to lean on I'll be there, as long as you will can be there when I'm about to fall. (Physically and mentally!!!)  Because when someone is having a bad day, It helps you excersise your good works and glorify your father which art in heaven!

The only way for us to serve God is to serve our fellow men, so go out and serve those human beings because we have like 7 bajillion of us here on earth.
Oh, and if any of you boys or girls decide to serve a mission, brownie points and real fresh baked brownies  to you because that's an opportunity that can change your life!

❤️❤️❤️ You all, make sure to have a fabulous week!  #staypositive #makeadifference


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