What are you thankful for?

Don't we always have that one best friend in our lives that just beats everyone else? Well, if you're thinking you're the only one you're not alone. Yes, it may seem lame but my mom is my best friend! Because if you think about it in a spiritual perspective... she's my sister.

She's probably the best best friend I've ever had in my life. In fact, I will give you my "shortened" list of why she's amazing.
 She gives the best advice even when I don't want to admit it.
She's also really funny and when she laughs it so cute.
She's kind,
a listener,
laughs at all my bad jokes.
Comforted me when my used to be best friend stop talking to me.
She's comforted me when I have depression, stress, or anxiety.
She helped me get ready for my first date and made sure I looked 10x more beautiful for the 2nd one.
She still helps me pick out my clothes sometimes and I still let her do my hair every once in a while.
When I've wanted to leave, she's always been my reason to stay.

I love her to the moon and back for all she does and continues to do for me.

And tonight I just broke down because my mom had another stressful day at school. Actually I'm still crying as I type...  You know how you feel when you see your best friend cry! You want to hug them and punch whoever made their day bad! (But I'm not saying violence is the answer...)

I hope what I did today made her day better because I love her so much and I want her to feel like she's worth it because she has changed so many people lives for the better! This remarkable woman is who I call best friend until the eternities end which is never and I wouldn't of asked for a better best friend than her.
Whoever is reading this (myself, the cat across the street, the birthday girl (Happy Birthday Rachael, you are amazing!) or a random blogger,) I challenge you to find something to be grateful for everyday! Think of it in your head and share it to social media if you desire! Having a grateful attitude pleases the Lord and it pleases you too!

I'm thankful for my mom because she's the joy in my life.

What are you thankful for???


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