Look on the Bright Side Sunshine!!!

Trying something new sometimes can be really scary... Don't ya think? Asking someone to Sadies, donating blood, or getting your first job... The list goes on and on! I went to Lagoon this summer with my friend Jacob and his sister wanted to go on the skycoaster! (It is a frefalling to your death ride as tall as cannibal which is 208ft. If you need to see a video.. Ask me or YouTube.)  I volunteered to go with her!  we were about to go but she lost the $20!!! I still had mine and being the daredevil thatI am... I went on that deathly ride alone. (They could make a frightmare dummy out of my carcus if I had died.) So I walked up to 3 grown men getting off the ride and here's my cute little 15 year old self, scared out of her wits but is trying to be braver than ever. As they propelled me up so I could see the people inside of their airplanes, I cannot describe all the emotions going through my head! As they said to let go I felt like death was near. But then... I flew! So freaking high. And it was the best feeling ever!
Another story was asking my long time crush out to Sadies. To me.. He's like the coolest guy in school because he's Mormon, friendly, and super cute. I was debating back and forth for a long time whether or not to ask him because we don't interact with each other as much as we could.. Then my cute friend grace helped me look on the brighter side and wow she just overfilled my cup of bitterness and doubt with happiness, hope, and joy. I asked him, but still no reply yet.. So I will hopefully update that sometime soon.

The moral of this blog today was: always look on the bright side when trying something new. Joy will come in your life that will just overpower you!!! Success is only found through trying!!! :)


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