We Have Something in Common

You say, we have nothing in common! No common ground to start from, and we're falling apart!!!
-Breakfast at Tiffany's.
As I was jamming out to this song tonight on the way home from work, I thought of one of my friends that I've known since 9th grade! I remember this person used to say we had nothing in common... but the truth is, we have a ton in common! So in this world with a million people you don't know.. get to know them so you can be a good friend to them! You don't know how much it will change their life if you know their favorite color, candy, or favorite book, you won't have to keep asking them because you will just KNOW! Service can go a long way and I believe that to be true. Its the only thing that makes me truly happy. At my work, I try to give the kids high fives and talk to people to be more friendly! I may only see them once in life, but it's nice to see a smile on their face when they leave my sandwich shop! We all have something in common, we just gotta look for it and acknowledge it! We were were not born to all be the same, but that doesn't mean we can't have the same talents and wants as others. I'm so grateful that we can connect with everyone in this world no matter their gender, race, etc. May America stay free, so we may be who we want to be! :)

Oh! And go listen to Breakfast at Tiffany's sometime!



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