When we get disappointed, press forward

Wherefore ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ having a brightness of hope and a love of God and of all men. 2 Nephi 31:20 👌 ( didn't write the rest of it cause I forgot it... But it's a great verse.)
I think of my days experience kind of like the pioneers trek. 
They had to leave so many of their dead behind without proper burials. :( it makes me so sad to think of their gruesome sacrifices...
 And for me my sacrifice was the natural man. (Oh hey wait!!! I fight that everyday!) 
was especially hard though because after 6 months and 6 days....my boyfriend broke up with me. 

And I need this trial. I need it because I'm weak. As strong as I may seem in my words and actions I'm constantly praying for the lord to give me strength. Because everyday is hard, especially yesterday. 
And I'm probably gonna be a hermit in my house for like a week now because I need to cry, I need to be alone. 

But at the same time I'm alone I won't actually be alone. Because Christ will always find a way in... If I am willing. 

I have this quote in my room that says "Love the Journey!" And I want to punch it in the face every now and then because I don't love every second of this mortal life. They say life's too short and I'm kind of starting to believe it but at the same time it feels so long. But in the long run its what we make of it. 

My goals are to be a hermit for a few days and then:

Survive senior year 

Go to USU if I'm accepted 

Be a freaking Nauvoo Missionary 

Be married in the temple (but who knows, I may never get married. 😬) 

So always know that there is a future. One bad day can't let your future down unless your attitude is gonna make it that way. Be the ray of sunshine for me today. So I can be yours tomorrow. 

Love you all, keep enjoying summer 


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