Thanks Taylor

Ever since I moved here from Utah in 2007, I have listened to Taylor Swift music and I just wanted to say, thanks Tay! Your songs have  helped me get through my bad days and change my mood to happy every time. You help me dance even though I'm not the best dancer, and you have helped me sing my heart out. Even though more and more people are hating you because youre turning into a cat lady, or you transitioned from country to Pop... I still love you because you have always inspired me through music! Thanks for getting me through high school so far, your albums always continue to leave a smile on my face as I leave my bedroom. Even when you retire from singing, I will remember you because I will always be the fan girl who was never able to go to any of your concerts and was never able to constantly talk about how amazing your music is to anyone else (except Payton, or my mom.) Life without your music would probably not be the same so thanks for creating it! I know you've inspired millions across the globe your message and I'm proud to be one of them. And most of all Taylor, thanks for letting us know that sometimes boys aren't worth it, sometimes they are, and that being yourself is probably the most important thing in this world. Rock on girlfriend and keep acting like you're 22!!! ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’‹❤️❤️❤️❤️


  1. You don't have to like what everyone else does. You don't have to be what everyone else was. You deserve to love how you want to live and live how you want because you are not anyone else. You are, you were, and you will be a daughter of the most high God and he doesn't love you for being someone else's definition of you. He wants you to be you, to have joy.

    But my favorite Taylor Swift thing is still Shake It Off crossed with Perfect Drug by Nine Inch Nails...


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