I'm almost there! (Or so I think)

Wow I'm such good blogger! I love reading what I have said in the past.
Anyways lets get down to business! Graduation for me is coming up in a short 18 days! I can believe it because it feels like the time is so slow but its actually almost here. Can't wait for what life brings me after I graduate HS. 
While being in High School I've learned this lesson: It is okay to not be okay all the time. I've cried way too much in High School and it's been an emotionally journey for me. Hormones are real. And so are girls attitudes. 
I guess why I say this is because these past few months have been harder than when I lost my boyfriend, but they have been a lot easier to heal from. My favorite guard director left our team unexpectedly because they were dealing with a ton of crap in their life. I understood why they had to leave, but I was angry that they left without saying goodbye. I miss them so much. But I was able to move on from that trial only because I had faith that I could still live without that influential person in my life. My life didn't feel as motivated without them however, and I really that get to me as I finished off my color guard season. I wasn't okay, and because of that I was barely even motivated to finish out my season.
But I finished because I'm not a quitter. I'm the kind of person that will finish what I started no matter how hard it is. My life is completely different than what it could have been but I always remember that this life is not about what I want. It's what the Lord wants.
My second really hard trial was after Spring Break. My dad's dad (my grandpa) went into the hospital with a disease called sepsis. It shut down his kidneys and they put him on life support because of it. He was in the ICU from Sunday until Thursday morning...when he passed away. Seeing him in the hospital broke my heart because he couldn't talk to me and act like everything was ok. Nothing was okay in that moment and so I just cried and hugged my dad.
When I found out that my grandpa had died, I was so depressed, but I saw God's love overflow as I went throughout the next week. I had an opportunity to speak at his funeral and that was the moment where I felt hope that everything would be okay.

Now, I don't freely publicize my trials so that you can feel bad for me or even feel pity for me. I show that through these trials there is hope! Trials will come, but when you decide to start again you see the rewarding blessings in your life. I have felt so much happiness going into the month of May knowing that my trials are not a part of me. I don't let it get to me anymore. It doesn't mean I won't feel sad, or a feel a hole in my heart because that person is gone, I will just be able to progress and move forward having faith that I will see them although they have departed, and that reunion with them will be so exciting, I promise you that.

If you'd like to attend my graduation or like an announcement, I will have some more in a few days. Message me so I can get your address. Graduation is May 26th at the Marriot Center at 8:45 A.M. and I will be having a grad party the next day the 27th of May from 4-6 P.M.

God bless you!


  1. Kenzie you are absolutely amazing! Thank you for being so strong and wanting to support others! I love you girly!

    1. Thank you, I wish I knew who you were. :)


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