The beginning of Kenzie Blog

Hey all! I'm the girl who secretly wanted a blog because everyone elses blogs lifted me up! I want to lift others up too. My theme at the top of the blog "Light and Excellence" is my schools motto. Lux et Virtus means that every student has light and excellence in themselves! So if you believe you're worth nothing, or you don't have that light... I have 2 words. Stop. It!!!  You're better than you think you are. You were sent here to gain knowledge and experience! We all stumble and fall when going through experience and that's okay! School is a blessing, we are so blessed to have school in our lives even if it gets boring. Just be you, laugh A LOT, and have light and excellence so you can be an example to everyone you meet on the street!  Doing this will bring happiness to your soul if you do it. I promise this with all my heart and hope you have sunshine in your soul the rest of this week! Love you all, and have a fabulous Fall Break! :)


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