That Kenzie Girl

Hello my friends! 
I'm that Kenzie Girl, 16, happily single not wanting to mingle. (Even though dating is fun, relationships are not my idea of a good time!) I like to do anything you like to do, (sleep, shop, dream about boys, sing, Netflix and chill, etc!) I also to be actively engaged in sports. My favorite is color guard! I love it because you can put feeling into it without words! You can also dance and spin a object that can hit and hurt you!( knowing this because I hit myself in the eye recently and it wasn't fun... Come talk to me if you want to see the video) XD

Most importantly, I love being me. It's super fun to see everyone's talents and abilities, but I know that I will never be them because then that wouldn't be me! 

So next time you see me, I hope you will think of that Kenzie girl as interesting, because really am!!!  

Want to know even more about me? Shoot me a msg on Facebook, Instagram, or through iMessage at my email! 😁😁😁


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