The reason why I love B guard ❤️

A few weeks ago I tried out for the 2015-16 winterguard season. And even though there was this rule they had that said: Only people who were in fall show last year can get a spot on the open team this year...I went to tryouts hoping they would break that rule just for me. Why? Open guard is where the most talented, top dog Colorguard people go and I happened to be up there last year. I felt so loved and appreciated! 
However, I made a decision that changed my life and I decided not to do fall show. 
And guess what? I lived without it, but I still knew a piece of my life was missing... And that was guard.  
So with a little bit of bribery from my sister who is freaking amazing at this sport, I went to clinics to prepare for tryouts. I did the routines and I felt like I had never left. Except, I did leave, so I felt out of place at the same time. 
Well the day of tryouts came. I frantically paced myself so that every move I did was fabulous and every flag toss I did was perfected. Tryouts went like a spider scurrying through the Amazon and when I got home from work that night I was dissapointed. I looked at each girls name for open and I didn't see mine, that was when I cried. 
Why me!? Why B guard! Why do they think I suck, why do I deserve this!? My selfish self thought. I felt like quitting again, because I believed I was way better than "average". 

But these last two weeks have changed me because of 
A temple trip with four fabulous ladies
Finding out my guard show is about anitbullying 
Costumes are purple dresses( I love purple) 
I get to toss high tosses on a weapon I'm barely experienced on. 
There is many other perks that can be added to this list but just because of those things I've decided not to quit. Because you know... I really need this. I need to get to know these cute people who joined guard because of past and present Colorguard girls. Being an example goes a long way when you're in colorguard! Also so I can stop bullying myself and judging people negatively. That will make the world a happier place for me and you. 

Just know my dear friends that anything is possible through God. He remembers and will never forget you. ❤️❤️❤️ Don't worry, be happy :)


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