My 2015 year in a nutshell 😃

Happy Holidays! I'm so grateful for another year that has come and gone so quickly! Excuse me if my events are out of order... 
This year I've made so many friends and I've lost some.  I turned 16 while I realized everyone around me was turning 17... 😳 Ive been on 4 but almost 5 dates with some crazy, but incredible young men. I was able to go to Nauvoo and remember not only Joseph's Smith sacrifice, but the pioneers (my own ancestors!) they gave everything to God and I am sure they will go to Zion because they did. 
I was able to receive my YWs medallion and that was a huge accomplishment for me because most of my time was dedicated to Colorguard. I ended up not doing Colorguard for fall season but came back for winterguard and I'm enjoying it! 
I also got a job this year and loved every minute of it. I like making people smile and serving them yummy food.
Through all the trials in my life so far, I've been able to see Gods hand in my life  and wow am I grateful for him. I've seen a change in my spirit as I've attended seminary, and I know more fully that this church is true.
 I'm grateful that because of him I can be surrounded by amazing friends and family, have a drivers liscence, go to the temple, have amazing missionary friends who are out serving the Lord, etc! Because of him, I am able to share the gift of the gospel through music, social media, and by having everday conversations. May we all try to be better by being the missionaries God intended us to be is my prayer! 
Have a very merry Christmas! And a Happy 2016!!!!


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