Recap on last 5 months

Thought it was time to write another blog, since tons have happened in these past 5 months!!!
Recap on my life

July- My birthday month!!! Turned eighteen... not much else to say.

August-Enjoyed my last few days working at Potbelly before they closed down and before I moved on to another chapter of my! Moved out on the 19th and thought it was the best decision I ever made. Until my boyfriend and family had to leave me and then I had a total breakdown. Living with new people you have never met in this life is hard, and it's hard to be comfortable with that!

September- Started school, made new friends, got one of my friends to become a convert to the church which somewhat attracted me to missionary work. Started working at NES Utah and becoming familiar with college life.

October & November-Celebrated the boyfriends ninteeth birthday, enjoyed a wonderful live session of general conference and most importantly learned that I need to LOVE MYSELF.... I didn't and because of it I had to move away from Logan. I tried to commit suicide through a drug overdose on October 26th, 2017. The day of my moved on Wilbur the rabbit and literally just a crappy day. I remember one of my good friends came and picked me up right after I had picked up those pills and took them and she was just hanging out with me and being there for me. I miss her, I miss that I didn't take the opportunity to look at my life and realize that even though I was in a crappy life situation because I was making it that way, it didn't have to make the rest of life crappy. But being anxious and depressed and pessimistic twists words and thoughts in your brain and makes you crazy. So yeah that's the jist of it. I'm back home in Eagle mountain now. Did I quit school altogether? No. I'm finishing out the semester, but I honestly don't know what I want to do after that? Serve a mission? Continue school? I don't know. But what I've learned now and last month is to never give up. Life is tough, but never give up. Because ruining the gift of life itself is selfish, and your hurting others too. You impact people believe or not. Don't forget that ever. Because I did. and I almost made another selfish decision. But I didn't, I'm here talking to you now.

Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in this world.
- Helen Keller

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt


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