Happy New Year!!!!

Happy New Year! 2017 is going to be a great one for me! Finally graduating high school and learning how to be an adult! Haha, ok more stressful than anything but I'm willing to try it out!

I don't really like making new years resolutions because I fail at them everyday, I make mistakes every day but I keep enduring.

So what I'm gonna do is continue to be my best self everyday, always improving, always changing. I like looking back and seeing what I accomplished and then getting better.

I'm not going to use the word perfect as much as possible. Excellence will take its place as I try to do everything with excellence rather than perfection. Perfection is not something that will make me happy, I'll just keep trying and never reach that goal because perfect is not what humans can accomplish. Excellence can be accomplished though, and that's by giving it everything you got!

I'm excited to see where 2017 will take me, because this really is the beginning of the end of my teenage years. I'll be finishing out my senior year at Westlake, finish doing colorguard in april, graduating in may. Working during the summer to get college money. Then I'll be going to USU, learning everything I can to become a vet, (or just starting with generals idk.) So grateful I have a mindset of where I want this year to go.

Last year I felt so unorganized. I didn't have a plan. Then my trials came during the summer and I was falling apart. It wasn't till October of this last year did I gain my confidence to pick myself up. Now I know that I'm worth it again, that there is hope. THERE IS MORE TO THIS LIFE! Heavenly Father has a  plan for me. So this is my plan right now, but if the Lord wants something different for me than I will do what he says. 1 Nephi 3:7. and John 14:15.

Now my challenge for you guys, remember this quote that Thomas S. Monson said:
" Whether it is the best of times or the worst of times, HE IS WITH US and he has promised that this will never change."
I hope that this year if you don't believe in God, that you come to find out if he's real. The best place is the Book of Mormon. There's an online app you can download for your phone too. When you do this, you will realize there is more to this life. We can be happy, believe it or not, this life is about being happy!!!!

My theme for this year: COME WHAT MAY AND LOVE IT.

And also, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope that its a great year for all of you!

I'll try to to post more blogs this year too, hopefully monthly so I can practice my writing skills (AP Test in May) and so I can become more motivational!!!


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