Guard ❤️

Colorguard to me is like a blood donation.

Because I love donating blood!!! I've only done it twice, but as a donor I have saved lives through giving my blood. In guard you're giving your spinning talent and abilities and performing them in front of a bunch of people that actually understand what you're doing and appreciate it. You change their life through your performance and kewl tricks.

Now let me tell ya how the process of donating blood is like a Colorguard Season:
1. You wait in the waiting room for like ever and they tell ya to read papers and stuff. Then they take you in to test your blood pressure and hemoglobin...
In guard this is like the audition, whether you make the team or not. It's really nerve wracking and stressful sometimes but it is worth getting to the next step.
2. Donating blood. You sit on a comfy chair and they tell ya to squeeze a ball and they clean your arm and put the needle in and it sucks your blood!!!
This can relate to guard because the rehearsals take time and effort and you think... Is this worth my time? What will I get out of this? But you keep going because guard is fun and what you do is so unique and unlike any other sport at your school. But it does take a lot of your time, and that is a big sacrifice!!! ( Just like its a sacrifice to donate my blood when I could just keep it in my body!)
3. After the donation you are told to relax and take time eating snacks so you can gain some of your strength back!!! Guard is like this because before you know it, the season will be over. It will have flown faster than a jet plane and I promise you from experience I have wanted those memories of my past back! They were so fun and memorable and that's what I love about guard. You build friendships with people so your not antisocial. I still somewhat suffer with that during school, but when I come to guard I never feel alone. I always have someone to talk to.

Sometimes problems will arise during a blood donation if you aren't careful. For example, I fainted after my last blood donation and took a little time to wake up, I was almost dead! :o!!! Guard will feel like that sometimes, like it is so much that we can't carry it all on our plate. In that situation which I have been in a lot this year I would say never give up. Don't do it! You are worth it and you are apart of a team that will never let you fall. They love you, even if you don't believe it. Build a trust with your guard team so that you can feel safe and respected in that environment. I feel like my team is still working on that but I hope we get there!!!

I'm glad that I have donated blood and have been on the Westlake Colorguard, for I would have never  done any of these things again unless I loved them so much. These experiences have taught me paitence and most importantly endurance!!!


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