Spring break

This break has been unforgettable!!!! What started off as a good week has kind of turned into a rough and depressing one for me. 
My sweet boyfriend had to say goodbye to his angel puppy today and to see him grieve is so painful for me. I haven't really experienced the grieving process before because either I was too young or I didn't know the person/ thing that was dying. But I knew this amazing dog, Maisy. 
And as I've been crying probably like a ton in the past 36 hours I kept thinking why am I the one crying? My boyfriends supposed to be crying! Yet he still hugged me and comforted me even though it SHOULD HAVE been me. I need to be strong, for him. 

So I have a question for you all... 
How do you help someone you love when they are grieving? It's so hard to see them in emotional pain. I just don't know what to do.  I need help, I need guidance...

Any of you that have lost someone or something I have a better understanding that losing someone or something is tough! Yes, they will go somewhere where it is pain-free and happy but it's so hard as well because all you feel is sadness that they are gone. You spend your life with them and you don't want them to go. 
Wow life is so so hard! Death is even harder. But through Christ we can see them again, and I hope that we can all have that hope because it is true! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
If any of you could send your prayers out to Alex he could really use them right now. 😊 thanks 


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