Being 16 is actually terrifying 😳

Happy Sunday my friends! May we take time to remember this holy day ALL DAY instead of part of the day as I have been doing this morning 😬😬😬

As I was looking up the definition of insignificance it occurred to me that I'm getting closer to adulthood... We all are and it is the scariest feeling in the world! I'm always asked if I'm a sophomore or a junior because I look younger than I actually am (thank you very much!) but as a junior the responsibilities are endless! They expect you to know and do things right the first time! (Well that's how I think it is.) In all of this chaos, I forget to look to God thinking I can do it alone. But then I remember... Oh my gosh, I can't do it alone! I'm a small speck of dust compared to God and his universe!!! Yet, in his eyes we are precious and his masterpieces! Why? Because this was his plan. We are right smack in the middle of his plan of happiness as you read this! So that means the opposite of insignificance, right!? We. Are. SIGNIFICANT to his plan! We were not born to do this alone. That's why we are given families, friends, peers, etc!!! Satans job right now is to make us feel insignificant. But we can fight him off because he is weak compared to us. 2 Samuel 22:4 says: I will call on the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies. We can and WILL be saved, he is waiting to save us everyday if we call upon him. I need to understand this concept as I go through my sixteenth year of life. Yes, I'm young... But I have a job, I'm involved in guard and national honor society at school, and I have a wonderful boyfriend! Life is crazy, but also very short and when rely on the Lord, we can feel very significant and change other people's lives. 
Love you all, have a wonderful week! 


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