The Ability to Choose

Today in seminary I learned about judgement and how it is okay to judge others as long as it is righteously. (Let's back that up to say I ALREADY knew that and was just waiting for everyone else to get it. ) We make choices everyday and sometimes those choices lead to mistakes. Sometimes, we think we aren't going to make it through the worst of worsts. That outcome can lead us to cry, or punch your sibling, (jk, please don't do that!!!!) or watch Netflix. (I just described my life in one sentence.) But thanks to the Lord, we can have more than second chances again if we faithful!!! Having confidence to know that there's a savior who would bleed at every pore and die for us is a huge freaking sacrifice! Just read D+C 19:16-19 for more details!!! Haha that relates me back to another seminary lesson where my seminary teacher had a stuffed animal puppy and a knife. That lesson not only made me hold my stuffed an...