Spring break

This break has been unforgettable!!!! What started off as a good week has kind of turned into a rough and depressing one for me. My sweet boyfriend had to say goodbye to his angel puppy today and to see him grieve is so painful for me. I haven't really experienced the grieving process before because either I was too young or I didn't know the person/ thing that was dying. But I knew this amazing dog, Maisy. And as I've been crying probably like a ton in the past 36 hours I kept thinking why am I the one crying? My boyfriends supposed to be crying! Yet he still hugged me and comforted me even though it SHOULD HAVE been me. I need to be strong, for him. So I have a question for you all... How do you help someone you love when they are grieving? It's so hard to see them in emotional pain. I just don't know what to do. I need help, I need guidance... Any of you that have lost someone or something I have a better understanding that losing someone or something is...